
The Truth About You

Week 2 • How To Unburden Your Life

April 21, 2024 • Scott Scruggs

Ever found yourself trapped in a web of self-deception, convincing yourself that everything's fine when deep down you know it isn't? You're not alone. This week, Pastor Scotty continues our "How to Unburdened Your Life" series, delving into the powerful message from 1 John 1:5-2:2.


The passage reveals that claiming to be without sin is self-deception, and it weighs heavily on our souls. Experience the life-changing freedom that comes from confessing our sins to Jesus, the light that dispels the darkness.


Don't let self-deception hold you captive any longer. Connect with the welcoming community at Northshore, and join us as we explore the path to a life unburdened by denial and deception.