
Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12, 2024 • Pastor Steve Speer

Have you ever tried to convince a conspiracy theorist that they are wrong? How far did you get? What about convincing a gaslighter that they are actually responsible for what they are bringing to the table in relational dysfunction? Kind of like smashing your own head into a brick wall isn't it? Job is fighting a similar battle with his friends who are trying to tell him that he is something he is not. This week we get to explore who we really are through Job's journey of expressing who he is and who he is not! This is the stuff that has changed my life, and I hope that it will do the same in yours!  

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Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Steve Speer

Ever felt so ashamed or embarrassed by something that you won't ever go back to a place or be around certain people? Job is stuck in a similar feeling, but he is the person feeling rejected by those who are embarrassed or ashamed to be around him. He longs for a return to the "good ole days" that many people long for themselves. What do we do with these moments? How do we process through these feelings? What truths can Job give us for these times in our life? Join me on Sunday and lets find out!!!  

Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Steve Speer

Where does a person find wisdom? Where does a person find the most valuable elements of how to succeed in this life? Where does a person discover the best way to live? We may or may not ask these types of questions out loud but every single person is on a quest to answer these questions. Marketing messages inundate us with all of the things or education that we are missing that will make us feel complete. But what is the real answer? Find out on Sunday!!!!  

Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Steve Speer

Did you ever play hide and seek as a kid, only to discover as a seeker that one or more of the hiders quit playing the game and were somewhere else doing something else - making them impossible to find? Feels like being lied to, doesn't it? Job desperately wants to discover what is true and separate it from what is a lie. In a world where truth is a personally held thing what the book of Job has to communicate to us this weekend is very important and even life changing. Hope to see you Sunday!