
What Are You Holding Onto?

November 27, 2022 • John Reilly • Malachi 2:5–8, John 6:68, Malachi 2:11, 1 Kings 11:1–4, Malachi 1:1–8

When life isn’t going well, do you find yourself trying to grab onto something thinking it will give you hope in that moment or a feeling of wholeness? We all have that temptation to grasp onto lesser things that only bring temporary healing. When God’s love is small in our eyes, the response to His love will be small in our lives. We start to respond with small sacrifices, turn to small leaders, and gravitate to only small connections. We try to set up borders when it comes to God’s love. But just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean He can’t do it. God’s love goes beyond what we can see! Throughout God’s word, He reveals how much he loves us and encourages us to let go of the lesser things and grab onto Him.

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