
Why Behind the Wait

December 4, 2022 • Scott Stevens • Malachi 4:6, Matthew 1:1, Galatians 4:4–5

Waiting can be difficult. Whether you’re waiting for a place, pace, problem, or a person, you can start to lose hope easily. You might find yourself asking, “God, where are you?” Throughout the Old Testament we see a lot of waiting. God promised a savior and messiah to His people and then another 400 years passed. But just at the perfect time, God sent His son. While God’s people were waiting, He was working. While we are waiting on something in our lives today, God is working. At the perfect time He will reveal provision, reconciliation, redemption, or restore peace. Just because God feels silent doesn’t mean He is absent.

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What Are You Holding Onto?

November 27, 2022 • John Reilly • Malachi 2:5–8, John 6:68, Malachi 2:11, 1 Kings 11:1–4, Malachi 1:1–8

When life isn’t going well, do you find yourself trying to grab onto something thinking it will give you hope in that moment or a feeling of wholeness? We all have that temptation to grasp onto lesser things that only bring temporary healing. When God’s love is small in our eyes, the response to His love will be small in our lives. We start to respond with small sacrifices, turn to small leaders, and gravitate to only small connections. We try to set up borders when it comes to God’s love. But just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean He can’t do it. God’s love goes beyond what we can see! Throughout God’s word, He reveals how much he loves us and encourages us to let go of the lesser things and grab onto Him.

4 Places of Authority

November 20, 2022 • Dave D'Angelo

Priests, judges, kings, and prophets were the primary leadership roles in the Old Testament. This leadership system was not replaced by Jesus but redeemed by Him in the New Testament. Jesus showed us what it really meant to be a priest by representing the people to God. Instead of living off the offerings of the people, Jesus offered Himself to God for the people. He is the perfect High Priest. He showed us throughout scripture that He’s also the perfect Judge, King, and Prophet. Jesus models for us what these roles were designed to look like from the very beginning. He makes them relevant and precious in our lives today. When we are willing to step into these roles, and obey God, His presence goes with us.

God's Idea of Love

November 13, 2022 • Dave D'Angelo • Ruth, Psalm 91, John 15:13, Ephesians 2:10

What’s your idea of love today? Is it fueled from God or from our culture? Our culture has taken the idea of love and warped it. We have forgotten that God is love and instead we have made love our god. When this happens, we take love and make it according to our preferences and stay away from unconditional commitment. In the book of Ruth, she gives us a picture of love that’s not based on how we feel inside but based on who God truly is. Biblical love is not an emotion we feel. It’s a path we travel. As the children of God, we are called to walk in a committed, other-first love that is defined by God’s truth not our feelings.