
March 12, 2023 | Basic Christian Living Part 4

March 12, 2023 • Pastor Ken Cline

Jesus came to give us abundant life—not only in eternity, but during our earthly lives as well. To enjoy this life of blessing He promises, we must follow His ways. Scripture teaches that if we lack wisdom, we are to ask God. Then when we hear from Him, we are to obey what He says. Both secular studies and Christian researchers have proven that those who live according to the principles in God’s Word have better health, better marriages, and greater levels of happiness than those who choose other paths. 

How do we hear from God? He’s given us three ways. God speaks to us through the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the People of God—the three-legged stool of basic Christian living. 

2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that the Word of God is profitable to Christians for teaching us what God wants us to know, for reproving us when we go the wrong way, for correcting us when we need to make a change, and for training in righteousness so we know what pleases God. For those times that we need to make a decision that isn’t clearly defined in God’s Word, He has given us the Spirit to guide us through prayer. He has also given us pastors and teachers who are filled with the Spirit who will pray with you and give godly advice when needed. 

It can be easy to confuse your feelings and desires with the voice of God, so be sure to filter every decision through the principles of Scripture. God will never tell you to do something that violates a biblical principle. With this safeguard in place, and these resources at your disposal, God has made a way for you to make good decisions that lead to blessing in your Christian life.