
March 26, 2023 | Basic Christian Living Part 6

March 26, 2023 • Pastor Ken Cline

       When you hear the word “vine,” what comes to mind? For me it’s usually a vineyard with long runs of grapevines - or sometimes Tarzan swinging through the jungle – but for our purposes, let’s stick with the grapevines. The grapevine comes out of the ground and can stretch upwards of 100 feet. Then all along its length, canes (or branches) emerge and produce flowers and eventually fruit. Amazingly, the main vine provides the nutrients of the earth to its entire length of branches and shoots, flowers and fruits! In today’s final message of the series, Pastor Ken digs into John chapter 15, verses 1 – 17 where we find that just like the branches of the grapevine get their nutrients from the vine, our source of life comes from God – but only if we stay connected to him.

             In the verses above, Jesus uses the vine and branches analogy to show us that without him, we can do nothing. If God is the vine and we are the branches, what good are we if we don’t remain in the vine? Can a branch cut off from the vine grow or produce fruit, of course not. How then should we expect to grow in our walk with the Lord or produce spiritual fruit if we don’t remain in his will, in his word, and under his watch? Listen in as Pastor Ken teaches us about God, the master gardener. He chose you. He planted you. And it brings him joy to see you grow.