
A Tale Of Two Kings

December 9, 2021

When the Magi brings word they are in search of a king, Matthew tells us “King Herod heard this and he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.” Matthew 2:3. Two kings, two kingdoms, two competing visions of greatness. At the heart of one is strength, wealth, posturing and intimidation, and at the heart of the other is a dirty manger, an agonizing cross and an empty tomb. Two kingdoms, and my heart can only be at home in one.

A Savior Is Born

December 24, 2021

Today we celebrate the light that broke through the darkness, heaven broke through to earth, the kingdom of God was inaugurated, and a future joy dawned in the midst of our present sorrows. Hope broke into our grief. Love broke into our indifference. This is GOOD NEWS for everyone, everywhere.

Jesus In Our Weakness

December 23, 2021

Jesus came to identify with us, to share in our weakness and brokenness. What we couldn’t do for ourselves, Jesus did FOR us. He lived among us, suffered and died in our place, was raised to new life on the third day.

God As Man

December 22, 2021

The Bible says “He gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a servant and was born as a human being.” (Philippians 2:7). God cast aside rank and title to come close, born helpless as a baby only to be stripped again when he would die on the cross. If God chose to love vulnerably and sacrificially, shouldn’t we?