
Advent Devotionals

A Savior Is Born

December 24, 2021

Today we celebrate the light that broke through the darkness, heaven broke through to earth, the kingdom of God was inaugurated, and a future joy dawned in the midst of our present sorrows. Hope broke into our grief. Love broke into our indifference. This is GOOD NEWS for everyone, everywhere.

Jesus In Our Weakness

December 23, 2021

Jesus came to identify with us, to share in our weakness and brokenness. What we couldn’t do for ourselves, Jesus did FOR us. He lived among us, suffered and died in our place, was raised to new life on the third day.

God As Man

December 22, 2021

The Bible says “He gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a servant and was born as a human being.” (Philippians 2:7). God cast aside rank and title to come close, born helpless as a baby only to be stripped again when he would die on the cross. If God chose to love vulnerably and sacrificially, shouldn’t we?

Jesus Is God

December 21, 2021

Who is God? What is God like? In John 1:18 it says, “No one has ever seen God. But the only Son, who is himself God and is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.” At Christmas we remember Jesus, a baby in swaddling clothes, the truth and glory of God.

The Wonder Never Stops

December 20, 2021

If Christianity is something done for you, and to you, and in you, then the wonder never stops. You don’t graduate from the Good News of God’s love any more than a builder moves on from a foundation. God’s astonishing love for us is the foundation of everything we do in response for him.

Glory On Display

December 17, 2021

In the Bible, God introduces himself as the one who is great beyond measure, but whose measureless greatness is expressed in generosity and care toward those who have nothing to give him in return. God’s glory and greatness are never more on display than in the way he loves the weakest and most vulnerable. Have we learned to do the same?

Iron Sharpens Iron

December 16, 2021

“At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her.” Luke 1:41. Who in your life stokes your passion for the things of God? Who in your life 'makes the baby jump' when you are near them? Who can say that about you?

According to His Word

December 15, 2021

Every YES to God has an impact beyond our imagination. We might struggle with questions, doubts or worries, but in the end, if we will respond as Mary did, we will be astonished at what God will do.

Faith Like Mary

December 14, 2021

Don’t be surprised when God’s word contradicts your present circumstances. The Bible says that “Faith comes by hearing the word of God.” When God’s word contradicts our present circumstances, we need faith.

The Good News

December 13, 2021

Jesus came to a real place. At a real moment in time. In the middle of social and political turmoil, disease and poverty, power struggles and scheming. He came to a family that was in crisis, to a woman who was powerless. The first followers of Jesus were so convinced that this is what had taken place, that they called it NEWS, not myth or fiction. GOOD NEWS of God’s love visiting us at our place and in our time of need. It’s the NEWS that you need, that our world still needs today.

Give Out Of Love

December 10, 2021

Your right now resources can make a forever difference. It’s good to remember that when we give out of love for God and others, God already has a purpose in mind for our generosity, and he is able to do more with our little, offered in love, than we could with much.

A Tale Of Two Kings

December 9, 2021

When the Magi brings word they are in search of a king, Matthew tells us “King Herod heard this and he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.” Matthew 2:3. Two kings, two kingdoms, two competing visions of greatness. At the heart of one is strength, wealth, posturing and intimidation, and at the heart of the other is a dirty manger, an agonizing cross and an empty tomb. Two kingdoms, and my heart can only be at home in one.

We Are A Witness

December 8, 2021

Christmas is the infinite God writing himself into our story. It is God with us in our joys and sorrows, pain and loss. It is God with us in a way we can know and have access to. Because of Jesus, we have experienced God’s constant faithfulness and love, not just in joys, but in sorrow and loss. You are a witness to his with-ness.

Right Heart Right Steps

December 7, 2021

God will do whatever it takes to keep us in the center of his will, even if that means sending an angel to make the message clear. When you focus on having a right heart, God will make sure you take the right steps.

Bless This Mess

December 6, 2021

God’s work in and through you today does not depend on having a beautiful family tree. You aren’t disqualified by the mess, even if you are a part of it. If God would bless that mess, and WORK THROUGH IT to bring his plan of redemption to the bear on the world, then Why wouldn’t he do the same for you and me and our messy families?