
Faithfulness | Fresh Wind | Pastor Steve Andres

September 24, 2023 • Pastor Steve Andres • Acts 6:5

What is your WHY? This weekend Pastor Steve continued our series, FRESH WIND, with a message about Stephen’s FAITHFULNESS.

Acts 6:5

The statement found approval with the whole congregation; and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit.

If you are too big to serve, you are too small to lead. Stephen was a man full of faith who became an example of leadership through service. 

1) Faithfulness is (faith)(fullness).

When we trust that God is able to meet our every need, we can serve without worrying about who sees or approves. 

2) Faithfulness is a YES. 

One great prayer says, “Lord, the answer is YES before you even ask.” No one has to be perfect to say YES to God, they just have to be willing.

3) Faithfulness has endurance.

A wrong motive has no endurance, because our doing only lasts as long as we get what we want in return. Faithfulness can weather disappointments.

4) Faithfulness is a doorway to greater things.

Jesus told us the pattern in the kingdom of God is: faithful with little, ruler over much. Be faithful to your assignment and God will take care of the greater things.

5) Faithfulness is what heaven celebrates.

In Acts 6, Stephen waits tables and looks after widows, then in Acts 7 he preaches the longest sermon in the New Testament. When he is killed for preaching, Stephen is welcomed to heaven with a standing ovation!

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