
Miracle in Macedonia | Fresh Wind | Pastor Steve Andres

October 29, 2023 • Pastor Steve Andres • Acts 16:12

Have you ever witnessed a miracle? This weekend Pastor Steve Andres concluded our series, FRESH WIND, with a message about the beginning of the Philippian church.

Acts 16:12

We reached Philippi, a major city of that district of Macedonia and a Roman colony. And we stayed there several days.

After the Apostle Paul and crew arrive in Philippi, the book of Acts gives us stories of how three different individuals came to faith in Christ.

1) Lydia, the dealer of purple from Thyatira.

Lydia is a wealthy and well-established businesswoman who has a deep spiritual commitment as well. Why does Paul share the Gospel with her when she is already successful and good? It’s precisely because she is that she needs to hear the truth of how God came to save all sinners.

2) The enslaved girl who spoke the truth.

When Paul cast out the demon from the young girl, those who were exploiting her were enraged. When her God broke through the psychological and spiritual oppression she was experiencing, she no longer fit in the system that used to profit from her. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation, and the doorway to a transformed life.

3) The jailer who was doing his job.

When Paul and Silas are beaten and imprisoned, the jailer is simply doing his job, not searching for truth. But then God sends an earthquake to set the prisoners free. The jailer is moved to repentance, but not by the earthquake. He was moved to repentance by the mercy that Paul and Silas showed him. 

These three radically different stories of people coming to faith in Christ are the beginnings of the church at Philippi. There are miracle stories in Acts 16, but the greatest miracle is the CHURCH! 

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