
God Has A Plan | DAVID | Pastor Joaquin Pardo

July 14, 2024 • Pastor Joaquin Pardo • 1 Samuel 16:13

He knows what He is doing! This weekend Pastor Joaquin continued our DAVID series with a message on embracing God's plan. 

1 Samuel 16:13 

"Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.."

1. Stop mourning what didn't work 

When God rejected Saul, Samuel grieved over what was. But when our hope and trust is solely in God, we avoid getting stuck in the past, and can embrace the new things God is doing. 

2. God uses unexpected things and people

Our plans are built on what we see and know, but God sees beyond our limitations. When it was time to anoint a new king, everyone focused on Jesse's seven sons, but God chose the one everyone overlooked. Unlike Samuel, God can see beyond what is in the physical and will use the unexpected things and people to achieve his plans and purposes.

3. Accept God's strategy and timing

God didn't reveal the entire plan to Samuel all at once; instead, He provided just enough direction for the next step. Even after being anointed, David didn't become king until 15 years later. The time in between is formative. The time it takes and the limited information you have are what God has prescribed for the perfecting of your faith so that you might know the fullness of God. 

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