
A Heart After God | DAVID | Pastor Steve Andres

July 7, 2024 • Pastor Steve Andres • 1 Samuel 13:14

You can have a heart after God! This weekend Pastor Steve started our DAVID series with a message about the contrast between kings Saul and David.

1 Samuel 13:14

Samuel said to Saul, "The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.”

Saul lost the blessing and favor of God over his life, and God chose David because he was a man after God’s heart. What happens in our lives when we have a heart after God? 

1) We move from fear to trust.

When God didn’t meet Saul’s expectations, Saul acted out of fear and pride. What do you do when your expectations aren’t met by God? Do you still trust him?

2) We move from expediency to integrity.

Expediency is about valuing convenience over what is right. Are you prepared to remain faithful to God even when it seems impractical?

3) We move from accolades to obedience.

Saul wanted the approval of his people more than the approval of God. Compared to David’s sins, Saul’s sins might seem small. But what made David special was the deep sadness he felt when he sinned. This tenderness and repentance was what marked David as having a heart after God. David only points us to the one who models and gives us a true heart for God - Jesus!

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