
June 11, 2018

Topics: Pornography, Anxiety, Add, Counseling, Forgiveness, Depression

Caller Questions: 1. I struggle with pornography when I am off my anxiety medication; is there a correlation? 2. My daughter-in-law was diagnosed with ADD; is it a mother/daughter thing or something else? 3. New Life Live has helped me over these 25yrs of listening and directed me to a great therapist! 4. How do I love my enemy? 5. What help can I offer to my wife who is depressed?

May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024 • Chris Williams, Becky Brown

Caller Questions: 1. Am I experiencing true guilt or false guilt after my son with mental illness ran away from his group home?  2. We moved my 92yo mother to a care facility with a shared room. What can I say when she says she wants to die in her sleep?  3. I am a caregiver for an 81yo man on dialysis who believes God is going to heal him. He is more concerned about getting his teeth fixed for his testimony than for his wife who is making herself sick trying to care for him.  4. How can my husband and I help my brother-in-law whose wife just died a few weeks ago? When we talk to him, he is hysterical.  Can a wound be so deep that you can’t ever recover from it? I grew up visiting my mom only in the summer, and my dad was emotionally unavailable. 

May 2, 2024

May 2, 2024 • Becky Brown, Dr. Jill Hubbard

Caller Questions: 1. How do I start looking forward instead of looking back? My husband had an affair 12yrs ago, and I don't trust him. My anxiety is bad.  2. Why do I find myself in friendships with people who do all the talking and don't ask anything about my life? I'm a good listener, but I leave feeling drained.  3. I live with my sister; did I make the right decision in letting her son and his family move in? I’m resentful my sister never helped me when I was homeless.  4. Why do Christians suffer from anxiety? 

May 1, 2024

May 1, 2024 • Dr. Jill Hubbard, Marc Cameron, Jim Burns

Caller Questions: 1. My wife started making false accusations about me having an emotional affair with a woman from church and left me; should I keep pursuing or move on?  2. My friend is in the LGBTQ community and wants to go to church with me; is that right in the eyes of God?  3. Growing up, my mom was never there and never said she loved me, and my dad was an alcoholic; how do I get unstuck if I don't believe I'm loved?  4. How do I get my married nephew to Every Man's Battle? He has a sex addiction and goes to sex workers, but he is narcissistic.