
May 15, 2024

Topics: Screens, Intimacy, Counseling, Perspective, Avoiders, Siblings, Parenting,

May 15, 2024 • Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Dr. Jacqui Mack-Harris

Caller Questions:

1. Dr. Alice Benton shares about Summer Screen Use (having the family create a written agreement). 

2. Do we need marriage counseling or individual counselors? My husband has left the marriage emotionally and we live like roommates. 

3. Train yourself to search for the silver lining, no matter the circumstance. I found God when I began looking for the good in life. 

4. I married a liar and we've been working through the issues. How do I stop shutting down and turning to TV when issues arise? 

5. Should I continue to intervene with my sister who may be jumping into another marriage too soon? 

6. How do I help my daughters cope with a big move due to my husband's job?

May 27, 2024

May 27, 2024 • Steve Arterburn, Dr. Dave Stoop, Milan Yerkovich

Caller Questions: 1. I am 65yo and have had no sex for 3yrs; what can I do to spark my wife's interest?  How do I stop my fearful, irrational thoughts that consume me?  My 19yo son's best friend died in a crash and he has turned to alcohol; should I kick him out?  How do I help my 39yo daughter have a life after she sacrificed to help me during my divorce?

May 24, 2024

May 24, 2024 • Becky Brown, Dr. Alice Benton, Marc Cameron

Caller Questions: 1. Dr. Alice Benton shares an example of how to apply 2Thessalonians3:10.  2. I am a Muslim and believe that if someone’s spouse is still alive, they are still married to them; what does the Bible say about divorce and remarriage?  3. I lost my husband 6mos ago and find myself being very needy; is this a sign of needing more healing, or am I too vulnerable to be friends with men?  4. How can I be connected to the world but not be overwhelmed by it? I have felt disconnected since COVID.

May 23, 2024

May 23, 2024 • Steve Arterburn, Chris Williams, Dr. Jill Hubbard

Caller Questions: 1. Chris Williams shares one practical thing to work around fear.  2. My wife's abandonment issues trigger my past failures; how can we communicate better?  3. Our 7yo grandson wears a dress; how do we deal with gender identity issues?  4. How do we balance support vs financially enabling our adult daughter who is a recovering alcoholic?  5. I have felt betrayed by family members in the past and now I'm having nightmares; what can I do?