
Faces of Trauma

October 1, 2023 • Frankie Cook, MA, *RMHCI

Francesca Cook graduated with her Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and is currently a Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern. She works at Halifax Behavioral Services as an outpatient therapist. She has experience in both private practice and community mental health settings. She has been trained in sand trays level 1-9, Master Practitioner of Accelerated Resolution Therapy, Certified Trauma Professional, is trained in forensic evaluating, and working towards her Registered Play therapy certification. 

This is a guided "play therapy" and healing exercise, so get out some paper, markers, glue, scissors, and any other craft utensils and get ready to begin the healing process from trauma.

For a full list of Vitality Conversations, CLICK HERE.

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Bonding in Marriage

March 3, 2024 • Angie Mabe, LMHC, NCC, FLQS

"Bonding in Marriage" with keynote speaker Angie Mabe, LMHC, NCC, FLQS. Angie is the owner and clinical director of "Abba's Heart Counseling Center", and has a Master of Arts degree in Mental Health Counseling. She is a Master Practitioner in Accelerated Resolution Therapy and is specially trained in Family Mediation, Parent Coordination, Collaborative Law, and Couples RLT. "Distractions, kids, work, and busyness make it difficult to maintain a healthy bond in a marriage. Add in attachment styles, different love languages, and unresolved childhood wounds and marriage can become exponentially difficult." Join us as we focus on creating strong bonds, understanding attachment styles, and tips to deepen connections with your spouse. For a full list of Vitality Conversations, https://mywaterstone.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2044854. Visit our Facebook page for articles and updates by https://www.facebook.com/groups/153703461894745/.

Fertility/Infertility & Nutrition

February 4, 2024 • Rianna Sanchez, MScN

February's Vitality Conversation topic is "Fertility/Infertility & Nutrition" with keynote speaker Rianna Sanchez, MScN. Rianna has her Bachelor's Degree in Clinical Psychology and her Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. She enjoys educating and empowering others to know how to nourish and protect the body God has gifted them with. "It's no secret a lot of things need to go right to get pregnant, but how come it's harder now than ever before? There are many factors present in our everyday lives that work against our body's natural ability to create life. Still, there are a plethora of swaps and switches that can be made that aid your body to restore balance and be fully available to create new life! It is also important to note that male fertility is equal in physiological importance to female fertility for a couple's ability to get pregnant. Males and females are both welcome as you embark on the wonderful journey to parenthood." Join Rianna Sanchez as she educates on the basics of fertility, factors of infertility, and lifestyle tips that can help the body get pregnant and stay pregnant! For a full list of Vitality Conversations, https://mywaterstone.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2044854. Visit our Facebook page for articles and updates by https://www.facebook.com/groups/153703461894745/.

Healthy Eating and the Holidays

November 5, 2023 • Rianna Sanchez, MScN

Healthy eating during the holidays is tough; we frequently have conversations such as, “I shouldn’t be eating this,” “I guess this is my cheat day,” and “I’ll start eating better in January.” These are all common phrases heard during the holiday season. For many, the holiday season is synonymous with making nostalgic meals that feel like gut bombs later, leading to feelings of regret or adverse health reactions. But, the biggest issue is that the holidays are hedged in with sugar, sugar, and more sugar! How can you enter and exit the holiday season feeling empowered to eat mindfully, without missing out on all the fun that food brings to the holidays? Sign up for this Vitality Conversation, and learn the secrets to a happy (and healthy) holiday season! For a full list of Vitality Conversations, https://mywaterstone.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1444623. Visit our Facebook page for articles and updates by https://www.facebook.com/groups/153703461894745/.