Welcome to Wednesday Night Service
Welcome to our new DECEMBER Bible Study, where we are going to be focusing on ALL of the CHRISTmas gifts that received according to the word of God.
People shared what they were thankful for this year.
Wednesday night Bible Study Episode 3 of Razzle Dazzle series
Wednesday Night Bible Study - New Series Razzle Dazzle!
SHATTER THE DARKNESS! (Episode 2 – Power of Darkness Destroyed )
SHATTER THE DARKNESS! (Episode 1 – Light Shatters Darkness) When darkness sees Light it shatters and cannot arise again.
God will put a smile on your face, but most importunely you will put a smile on God's face. "Just Like That" we will look like him!
When God sends a wind it will cause circumstances to blow away. "Just Like That" it will become dust!
Learn to listen with your sight; look around and see what God is doing - and "Just Like That" you will hear his call!
Learning not to get angry quickly and react without thinking. God can help you change "Just Like That!"
Welcome to Wednesday Night Service! Tune in as Pastor Toni Boveda teaches the word of the Lord.