Welcome to our sixth lesson of C2C: Sodom and Gomorrah!
Although this story is technically apart of Abraham’s timeline – it holds its own powerful lesson to learn from. Sodom and Gomorrah deals with homosexuality, other sexual immorality, terrible behavior towards one another, pride, theft, murder, and why God destroyed it. Yet in the midst of that, God was still willing to save it. It’s a good idea to know why God does the things he does.
o God deals with Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis Ch. 18-21)
C2C: The Life of Abraham
March 8, 2024 • Youth Pastor KK • Genesis 12—22
Welcome to our Fifth Lesson of our new Curriculum "C2C" ... The Life Of Abraham!
There is a reason they call Abraham the father of our faith. His story has faith, hope, righteousness, courage, and blessings. Abraham’s story also includes lying and unwise decisions that plague us “common” Christian’s today. It’s both encouraging and a blessing to see that our Father of the faith had issues that he had to work out. This theme can help our teens see that just because they made a mistake – doesn’t disqualify them, just like it didn’t with Abraham and his family that came after him.
o God calls “Abram” (Ch. 12)
o Abram lies about Sarai (Ch. 12)
o Abram and Lot separate/Abram saves Lot (Ch. 13 & 14)
o Abram promised an heir and covenant with God (Ch. 15) o Abram, Sarai, Hagar and Ishmael. (Ch. 16)
o Abram and Sarai become Abraham and Sarah (Ch. 17)
o Heavenly Visitation – promised son through sarah (Ch. 18) o Birth of Isaac (Ch. 21)
o God test Abraham w/ Isaac. (Ch. 22)
C2C: "Noah and The Flood"
February 2, 2024 • Genesis 6—10
Welcome to our Third Lesson of our new Curriculum "C2C" ... Noah and The Arc!
o Wickedness of man (Ch. 6)
o Noah Builds ark (Ch. 6)
o The Flood (Ch. 7)
o Waters Recede/Rainbow (Ch. 8) o Curse of Canaan (Ch. 9 – 10)
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