
The First Half of the Story

The Creation Story and the Story of Israel

October 3, 2021 • Pastor Chris McGregor • Genesis 12:1–3, 1 Samuel 8:4–9, Psalm 103:8, Genesis 1:26–28, Genesis 11:4

God created Adam and Eve to be his "eikons", image-bearers that would reflect His goodness, beauty, creativity and love throughout the universe.

But they didn't want to be ruled. They wanted to rule themselves and so the chain-reaction of sin and rebellion began. We have all inherited the "usurper" nature from our ancestor.

The Tower of Babel is the story of man trying to create a stairway to heaven, replacing their need for God.

Abraham was another attempt to create a brand new people, chosen people who would reflect God's goodness and love and truth to the world. But they too failed.

The Kings were another iteration. But if you know the story, each king failed--some spectacularly so.

The prophets came behind and warned Israel that their disobedience would lead to judgment in the form of slavery, poverty and death.

And they wrote about a better king, a better prophet who would come and right everything wrong.

This fly-over through the Hebrew Bible will give you a critical 30,000 foot view to see how Jesus not only helps you, but how he answers the brokenness seen in creation and the fall.

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