
Zephaniah Chapter 3 Part 1

Baruch Korman • Zephaniah 3:1–13

How is your vision? Are you seeing things correctly? We all know the verse from Isaiah, where God says, My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are not your ways. I'd like to share a very practical way of understanding that. Probably the most well known rabbi in the latter half of the 20th century, was a Hasidic Rabbi by the name of Menachem Schneerson. 

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Zephaniah Chapter 1 Part 1

Baruch Korman • Zephaniah 1:1–11

Names are important in the Scripture. And this prophet that we're going to begin to study now. Zephaniah, his name means hidden of the Lord. Now, there's two ways to understand this. There are things there are truths that God hides from the world. We know that Messiah spoke in parables, that will be those that see but don't perceive those who hear but don't understand. But there's a second way to understand his name. To donate please visit us at: https://http://www.loveisrael.org/donate Checks may be sent to: http://loveisrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL 32953  https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/http://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial  

Zephaniah Chapter 1 Part 2

Baruch Korman • Zephaniah 1:12–18

Are you sensitive to God's timing? If you're not on God's timetable, you're not going to be led by the Spirit. You are not going to be a recipient of that anointing of His Spirit. And you are not going to be able to serve God even though you may desire to. If you're not following his timing, you are living in the flesh. Take out your Bible and look with me to Zephaniah chapter one. And now we're ready for that 12 verse.  To donate please visit us at: https://http://www.loveisrael.org/donate Checks may be sent to: http://loveisrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL 32953  https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/http://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial  

Zephaniah Chapter 2

Baruch Korman • Zephaniah 2

Chapter Two defines for us, the day of the Lord. Now God is good, he is faithful. And his faithfulness is seen in covenantal relationship. I've said, Never overestimate the importance of having a covenant with God, especially that new covenant. But as we look at chapter two of Zephaniah, we're going to see that the day the Lord is a course, not for believers, and not for Israel.  To donate please visit us at: https://http://www.loveisrael.org/donate Checks may be sent to: http://loveisrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL 32953  https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/http://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial