
Nahum Chapter 1

Baruch Korman • Nahum 1

God is a God of comfort. We see that the Holy Spirit He is the comforter, we see that when Messiah was ready to begin his ministry, he left Nazareth. And he went to a place called the village of comfort, Kuffar in a home or cut ternium. And we seen the Scripture, although God is perfect, he is complete, our God lacks nothing but the Scripture reveals that God will be comforted. 

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Nahum Chapter 2

Baruch Korman • Nahum 2

Change is coming. The question is, what type of change? Are you going to experience? Well take out your Bible and look with me again to this prophecy of the home. And then the Hebrew, chapter two and verse one. Now, the reason why it's part of chapter two in the Hebrew texts, is because we see a connection between the good news and judgment.  To donate please visit us at: https://http://www.loveisrael.org/donate Checks may be sent to: http://loveisrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL 32953  https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/http://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial

Nahum Chapter 3

Baruch Korman • Nahum 3

Do you have a heavenly perspective? Let me ask you that again. Do you see God's perspective being lived out in your life? Are you agreeing with what God says is pleasing to Him? When we look at Revelation, chapter 18, we see an outpouring of God's final wrath. And heaven responded, we see that the heavens are praising God, for His righteous judgment.  To donate please visit us at: https://http://www.loveisrael.org/donate Checks may be sent to: http://loveisrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL 32953  https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/http://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial