
Proverbs Chapter 8 Part 2

Baruch Korman • Proverbs 8

We have seen that wisdom is foundational in the book of Proverbs, and is when we esteem wisdom, seek it pursue it in order that we can utilize it in our life, then we're going to see that our life is going to have a godly order. So if you're not experiencing that godly order, seek the wisdom of God. And part of seeking God's wisdom is affirming to him. 

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Proverbs Chapter 11 Part 2

Baruch Korman • Proverbs 11

We see that God wants to bring change into our lives. And the best way that we can ensure that the change that we are experiencing is pleasing to God, glorifying to God honoring of God is if that change comes through the truth of Scripture.  To donate please visit us at: https://loveisrael.org/donate/ Checks may be sent to: http://loveisrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL 32953 Feel free to download our MyBibleStudy App on telephone https://get.theapp.co/yjjq we don't know how long we can post the teachings on YT  https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/http://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial

Proverbs Chapter 1 Part 1

Baruch Korman • Proverbs 1

As I said, Tonight, we're going to begin a new book of study sefer Mishlei, the book of Proverbs, and we know who the author is, we'll see that at the beginning of verse one. It's none other than King Shlomo, that is King Solomon. And the objective of this book is to impart wisdom, knowledge and understanding, in order that we can see truth, what's truth, God's will, God's revelation, and utilize that, for his purposes to be accomplished by us understand, there is nothing more gratifying nothing that is going to bring greater joy into your life, that when you fulfill the purposes of God, and God is so good, that he allows us to do that potentially, every day.  To donate please visit us at: https://loveisrael.org/donate/ Checks may be sent to: http://loveisrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL 32953 Feel free to download our MyBibleStudy App on telephone https://get.theapp.co/yjjq we don't know how long we can post the teachings on YT  https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/http://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial

Proverbs Chapter 1 Part 2

Baruch Korman • Proverbs 1

Wisdom is something that should be seen in your life, by the decisions that you make, the words that you speak and the actions that you take, in other words for a believer, by means of that ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believers life, wisdom should be evident. So let me ask you this question. When people look at you, are they seen wisdom, God's wisdom being displayed in you and through you?  To donate please visit us at: https://loveisrael.org/donate/ Checks may be sent to: http://loveisrael.org 6355 N Courtenay Parkway  Merritt Island, FL 32953 Feel free to download our MyBibleStudy App on telephone https://get.theapp.co/yjjq we don't know how long we can post the teachings on YT  https://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial/http://www.instagram.com/mybiblestudyofficial