
1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 Part 2

Baruch Korman • 1 Thessalonians 4:9–18

We have a blessed hope. That is God has promised to do something. And that is to remove believers from this world prior to the outpouring of the wrath of God, we can have absolute assurance that we are not going to experience any of God's wrath, that new covenant relationship that we have with the living God through His son, his only begotten Son, secures that for us eternally. Therefore, we never have to fear God's wrath. And when we, God forbid, move away from his will, God will discipline us as a loving Heavenly Father disciplines his children

1 Thessalonians Chapter 1

Baruch Korman • 1 Thessalonians 1

Tonight, we're going to begin a new book, Paul's first epistle to the Thessalonians. So I'd invite you to take out your Bible and look there with me first Thessalonians and chapter one. Now in this first chapter, and our hope is that we'll complete chapter one and this study, Paul, he brings greetings he exalts this congregation as a congregation that has a mighty testimony is one that is indeed influencing others not just in their normal location of where they reside, but also in a very unnormal way, touching people in different parts of the world, having a testimony and impact in faraway places. And that's what God wants for his people. God can do such great things by using us and touching people that can be around the world. You never know how God is going to use you.

1 Thessalonians Chapter 2 Part 1

Baruch Korman • 1 Thessalonians 2:1–9

There is an emphasis upon the gospel. Because it's only through that good news that we can see lives change lives brought into what God created each person to be. Without the gospel, you are without hope, without the work of Messiah in your life, you are broken eternally. And you are cut off from the goodness of God, the love of God, the forgiveness of God and the victory that God wants to share with you. Take out your Bible, and look with me to First Thessalonians and chapter two, First Thessalonians chapter two. Now, Paul, he is writing this epistle with influence from other men, men such as Timothy, in order to convey biblical truth to this congregation. This is a godly group of people that Paul is rejoicing with, for how God is using them their testimony, as we talked about last week, that goes far beyond their city.

1 Thessalonians Chapter 2 Part 2

Baruch Korman • 1 Thessalonians 2:9–20

You are being watched, watched by fellow believers and watched by other individuals as well. And as I've said, your testimony should be of the utmost importance to you. Because your testimony is influencing people. The question is, is it a positive influence, or God forbid, a negative influence? Well take out your Bible and look with me to First Thessalonians and chapter two, First Thessalonians and chapter two. Now we're going to begin where we left off last week, in verse 10. Paul is speaking to this congregation that has influence a godly influence on others, not just in Thessaloniki, where they are. But throughout this this Greek empire that that still is in existence, of course, the Romans are ruling over it, but it's still highly influenced by by the Greeks, and their their gods and false teaching. Their culture is still very much prevalent in society.