Alone, By Yourself
December 18, 2024
Alone, By Yourself
Acts 7:30
And when forty years had passed, an Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire in a bush, in the wilderness of Mount Sinai.
Before Moses could be the one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, he spent 40 years in the wilderness tending sheep. When Moses was still living in Egypt, a much younger man, Acts 7:23 tells us, “Now when he was forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren, the children of Israel.” He saw an Egyptian abusing an Israelite and became very upset, so upset, that he beat the Egyptian, killing him. Moses then fled for his life right out into the desert. When we take matters into our own hands, and we move on our “big ideas,” we often find out that our big ideas were not God’s ideas and plans. This is when God takes us, or should I say drives us into a place of solitude, where He can talk to us concerning us. This is a process that is not always a comfortable one. In fact, it many times, feels like real suffering. He can isolate you, shut things down around you, distance you from other people, and put you in a place where you have to listen, or maybe we should say, you will want to listen and hear what the Lord, your heavenly Father, has to say to you. It’s amazing how the human mind can become so preoccupied with every possible noise, person, happening, etc. all around you constantly, and miss the most important Voice of all for them…. the Lord’s. It took 40 years for Moses ability to develop to hear, to slow down, to let go of all the wrestling of the why’s and the what’s, all the questions about his life, to come down to a slow grind and finally a stop. This is when Moses noticed the burning bush, and he finally could hear the voice of the Lord speaking from it. This was no ordinary angel speaking, for when we see a capital A used in the word Angel in the Bible, they are telling us that it is actually Jesus Himself, not just a regular angel. How amazing this is! The Lord had come to make Himself real to Moses, giving the commissioning of Moses’ assignment to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Now, this is God’s way, His revelation for His people, and not Moses’ taking matters into his own hands. In a way, I feel sorry for Moses. His heart was in the right place, but he had not come into a place of complete yieldedness and surrender to the Lord to wait on God’s timing and be able in that quiet place before the Lord, to hear what God’s plan was, to get the when, the where, and the how. I can only imagine that there were days when Moses felt completely alone, maybe even resentful and confused. Haven’t we all been there? I have. Hebrews 4 tells us about laboring into God’s rest. This is learning to surrender all to Him, and learning to rest in Him, not doing life on our “I think,” but waiting for God to speak His direction and His way in all things. You can trust Him today. Just get quiet and let Him speak and work in your life.
What about you? Are you struggling today? Are you depressed or discouraged? I have had days like this. This best thing to do is immediately surrender it all to the Lord, trusting Him to work. Get your mind on Him and what He will speak to you. Remember, He will take us to a place of aloneness and quietness, so that we will be able to hear Him. Trust Him in all His ways. He knows what He is doing. Have a blessed day in Him.