Help Me, I’m Stuck
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
There are those pesky thought patterns that begin as little buzzing flies in our minds, that eventually form lasting life pathways. These patterns can literally become walls of hindrance limiting our interaction and intuitive abilities along our life’s journey. Our thoughts are an important aspect of who we are. In Mark 12:30 God has given us all some capacity for thinking and has called us to love Him with all our mind. To love our heavenly Father with all our mind is to grow in knowledge and in thinking, to take responsibility for how we think, becoming aware of negative, hindering though patterns that can shape our lives in a very hindering, negative way. Thinking with polluted thought patterns will hinder the development of our minds in our day to day lives, as well as our spiritual growth and interaction with others. An example of this is how we interact when in a group setting. Maybe a person can develop an avoidance to being in social settings where they are expected to interact with complete strangers or say, workmates who they feel unsure of in interacting with them. Because of these negative, depressive thoughts, they become reclusive and will only attend this type of function if coaxed and cajoled by those they are somewhat comfortable with. Parents can allow their children to not have to learn to intermingle with others, even in informal settings which are a great place to grow in personal confidence. As time goes on, self-pity develops and isolation patterns become a way of life. On top of this pattern comes the pattern that others and even God Himself, should make the world the way they perceive it should be. Say for instance, they would like to date and develop a relationship with the opposite sex. Yet this is impossible because of their inability to conquer their inhibitions for mingling with others socially. Yet now they perceive it as everyone else’s fault with no effort put forth to meet and greet, to develop skills to be able to interact comfortably. These are all arguments that need to be demolished. These are pretensions that set themselves up against the knowledge of God. If the Lord has given someone a desire for a mate, or the desire for fellowship with others, then He is more than able to help you to learn how to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Let’s take any inhibitions, any hesitations to the Lord, asking for His help in pulling these strongholds down. Ask the Lord to surround you with supporting friends who will be a fence and prayer partners for your fears and places of hesitation to be gone in Jesus’ Name. The Lord has much for you, yet you need to work with Him. Cry out to Him today.
What about you? Do you have thought patterns that hinder you from growing and moving forward in all that the Lord has for you? Maybe you don’t, but you know someone who does. Can you become a support person, an encourager for that one to be able to be set free and grow in all the Lord has for them? I pray you can. Have an encouraging, faith filled day in the Lord. Blessings on your day.