So Blessed
I Chronicles 29:12
Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign overall. In Your hand is power and might; in Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.
The other day I saw a short video online of this poor, young African emaciated girl who could not even walk. I would guess she had never had the proper nutrition to be able to grow normally, and because of that, she, as she grew older, she had lost her muscle mass and tone to be able to even move properly. Presently she has to be carried every place she goes. She lives at a Children’s Home in Africa where she is getting the proper attention she needs, both physically and spiritually. One of the young men from the Home had taken her up in his arms and slowly carried her into their lovely pool. The look on her face was priceless, a combination of nervous apprehension, fear, and glowing delight. As the young man lowered her feet in the water, out came a shriek of trembling joy! This was the first time in this child’s life she had felt water encompass any part of her body. The young man, startled, lifted her quickly up, thinking that she might be in pain, and again, lowered her feet slowly into the water. This time there was an even louder gasp and shriek of unhindered delight! My heart leaped with hers at the sensation of this simple pleasure of life.
Throughout the day, my eyes filled with tears as I thought of other scenarios that people have endured; many do not even know or have any point of reference of what they are missing. Think of those bound to a wheelchair for their entire life, or someone totally alone with a society buzzing around them, unaware of their lonely world, missing out on the laughter and camaraderie in togetherness. Loneliness, weakness, abandonment, pain, suffering, physically, mentally and spiritually. As I reeled under the incomprehensible weight of the forceful diatribe playing in my mind, I felt a powerful understanding of the unlimited blessings I have experienced in my life, too many to even begin to give account. It seems like the enemy of our souls, in his nefarious criminality, has no conscience for limiting suffering and hideous pain. That was my first pondering. The second was, what can I do to change these horrific scenarios in the lives of these victims? Can I do something, even if it be so small? I don’t want my thinking and imagination to be trapped in a weak, insipid mindset that I cannot make a difference somehow, somewhere. Can I develop a sense of high destiny? God certainly has that view for each one of us. Can I come out of my coma of staring at my navel, my own small world, to see and bare the sufferings and pain of others, even for a few moments? Can I dip an emaciated life in the pool of God’s great love? Can I include someone who usually is not included? Oh God, I want to be Your hands reaching out to the oppressed. As you have touched my life, as you have included me, pulling me into Your precious circle of love, and brought unending blessings coming down continually over my life, please help me to see as You see, and act as You would act.
Seek Father today for His guidance to others who you can reach out to dip their feet in the waters of His powerful Presence and rivers of His great love.