
Habits That Can Destroy Your Relationship

Little Things Make Huge Differences

A lot of relationships are destroyed not because they could not survive, but sometimes they are ended because of unhealthy habits that could not be eliminated. I want to share with you habits in relationships that can lead to dysfunction and ultimately failure.

1. Consistent SOCIAL-MEDIA Can Destroy Your Relationship

How often are you on social media?
Are your postings respectful of your relationship?
Are there any questionable social media friendships and/or interactions?
Are you on It when you are with your mate?

2. Poor MONEY-MANAGEMENT Can Destroy Your Relationship

How do you manage your finances?
What are your expectations when paying for bills?
Are you open and honest about your financial status?

3. Nosey SINGLE FRIENDS Can Destroy Your Relationship

Who do you talk to about your relationship?
Are most of your friends single or married?
Do you ever feel as if you have to choose between your friends and the person you are dating?
Have you ever ended a relationship as a result of the opinion of a trusted friend?
How do you feel about having close friendships with the opposite sex?

4. Nosey FAMILY MEMBERS Can Destroy Your Relationship

How involved is your family when you are dating someone?
Do you expect your mate to be involved with family activities?
How has your mother/father successful marriage and/or separation or divorce impacted your expectations of a relationship?

5. Powerful FEARS Can Destroy Your Relationship

Are there any fears that often hurt your relationships?
What is your biggest fear when it comes to dating?
How do you handle your fears and how can your mate help you eliminate those fears?

6. Unexplainable TEXT MESSAGES Can Destroy Your Relationship

Are you responsible in how you communicate through texting?
Has texting becoming your primary form of communicating with your mate?
Do you send text messages to others that can be considered questionable?

7. Immature COMMUNICATION Can Destroy Your Relationship

How can we talk "TO" your mate instead of "AT" your mate?
When do you talk best after a disagreement?
Do you handle disagreement immediately or do you need time to process?

8. Unrealistic EXPECTATIONS Can Destroy Your Relationship

What are your expectation of your mate and why?
Are your expectations realistic?
Which expectations are considered non-negotiable?

9. Yielding to TEMPTATIONS Can Destroy Your Relationship

How do you manage your temptations in relationships?
Have you ever cheated in past relationships? If so, how can your mate trust that you will not cheat in this relationship?
What are boundaries you can set for one another to protect your relationship?

10. Unwillingness to FORGIVE Can Destroy Your Relationship

How important is forgiveness in relationship to you?
How do you handle forgiveness when you are the one who needs it?
What are things you will and will not forgive

The bottom line is that EVERY relationship can be strayed when proper boundaries are not set in place. As you date, decide to respect the one you are dating and demand the same respect towards you. Always remember, whatever you PERMIT, your PROMOTE. I pray that your relationship that is or is to come will flourish and lead you to where the Lord will have you to be.