Monroe Nazarene Church
Monroe Nazarene Church
Advent Film Fest
Finding Hope, Love, Joy, and Peac in our Favorite Christmas Movies
The Book of James
Real faith in unreal times
Mark My Words
How do the words of Jesus impact our lives found in the Gospel of Mark?
Lessons from King David's Relationships
Living In Truth according to 1 John
Desolate Era
How does God work in us during difficult times? We explore time periods of 40 in scripture to see what God gives and provides in desolate times.
When We Pray
What Jesus Says About Prayer
Joy of Every Longing Heart
Advent 2023's series in the Psalms.
Finding joy in all circumstances, even when sitting in a prison cell.
Holy Wealth
Living a Generous Life
Out: Principles for Sharing Your Faith
An in depth look at how Jesus sent out his disciples and how we may personally share the faith we've been given.
Deadly Serious
A look at the seven deadly sins through the eyes of Old Testament Prophets.
In Reverse
Jesus reverses so much when He works His miracles. What may it mean for our lives?
Water for the Way
Experience the soul-refreshing sufficiency of Jesus this Lenten season.
Opening our lives to God's formation.
Our Mission
Discovering who God calls us to be and how to live out His mission.
Can't Stop: Reclaiming our Work Lives
We pride ourselves in our hard work, but why do we sometimes feel so unfulfilled? Maybe God has something to say about our work lives.
A World Transformed
Advent 2022
Life Together
An Exploration of How Our Community is to Live
The Worship Project
Learning How to Worship Through the Different Kinds of Psalms