
07/09/18 God���s Love in Past Mercies and in Present Discipline - Part 1

Hosea 11-12

July 9, 2018 • Richard Cimino

Hosea 11:9 "...for I am God and not a man, the Holy One in your midst, and I will not come in wrath."

Here is where the human intellect short circuits and faith takes the baton. God���s holiness is both a cause of dread in one sense and a cause of great comfort in another. There are only those two things that exist, the Creator and the creation; that which is God and that which is not God. THAT is the essence of the concept of holiness. God is separate from everything else. He is other-than.

That is why it���s foolish to think that anyone can get close to God by moral and religious activity. Religion from a Latin word which means to re-link. There is no effort of man that can re-link him with God, because He is holy. BUT GOD can do for man what man cannot do. THAT IS THE GOSPEL. God who is separate from the created universe stepped into it ��� stepped into this time/space world in human flesh to make the way for you and I to be reconciled ��� re-linked. That way was by bearing our guilt and shame Himself on the Cross.