
The Community Commission

July 2, 2023 • Joe Dallas • Luke 9:26, 2 Timothy 2:24, Matthew 28:18–20, 2 Timothy 2:15, Joshua 5:2–9

Join us for a powerful message titled "The Community Commission" by Joe Dallas.

In this impactful message, Joe explores the profound idea that Christianity without communication is Christianity without commission. Discover the vital role communication plays in our faith journey as we are called to love others, not only in words but also in spirit and truth. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into how effective communication empowers us to fulfill our divine mission. Join us on our website and YouTube channel to experience the transformative power of this message.

Spiritual Formation | Union

July 30, 2023 • Dr. Bill Dogterom • Ephesians 3:14–21, Matthew 28:16–20, John 14, 1 Corinthians 2:14–16, 1 John 3:1–3

Join us for a transformative and uplifting message by Bill Dogterom as we delve into the profound theme of Union. In this inspiring message, Bill Dogterom passionately encourages us to recognize and embrace the extraordinary union and opportunity we have with God through Jesus. Drawing from the timeless wisdom of Scripture, Bill reveals how abiding in God's boundless love and joy can lead to remarkable spiritual formation in our lives. Together, we will explore the power of aligning our thoughts with the mind of Christ and the profound impact it can have on our journey to fully knowing God. Throughout this engaging sermon, we will gain insights into how we are wonderfully designed to experience the fullness of God in the present moment. Bill will share practical and transformative insights on how to develop a closer relationship with God, fostering a deeper connection with His divine presence. If you're seeking to grow spiritually, yearning to understand God's purpose for your life, and longing to live in the fullness of His love, this message is for you. Join us as we dive into the beauty of divine union and discover the joy that comes from walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired and empowered on your spiritual journey!

Spiritual Formation | Illumination

July 23, 2023 • Dr. Bill Dogterom • Psalm 32:1–9, Matthew 11:25–30, Ephesians 4:11–16

Watch or listen to this captivating sermon on spiritual formation, as Bill Dogterom delves into the transformative journey of awakening and purgation. Prepare to be inspired as you discover the freedom that comes from allowing Jesus to purify and shape us from the inside out. In this message, Bill Dogterom will unpack the powerful truth that Scripture reveals about our responsibility to “illuminate” even the darkest parts of our lives.  Through engaging storytelling and insightful teachings, you will gain a deeper understanding of how spiritual formation can impact your life. Discover the steps to shedding our sinful nature and becoming more like Jesus, experiencing the liberation and transformation that comes with it. Don't miss this opportunity to be challenged and equipped to make a difference. Tune in and watch or listen to this sermon as we embark on a journey of spiritual formation, embracing the freedom and influence we are called to have in the world. Get ready to be inspired to live out your purpose as a transformative agent, impacting the world around you. Join us this Sunday and be part of this transformative experience. Visit us online at https://mesa.church

Spiritual Formation | Purgation

July 16, 2023 • Dr. Bill Dogterom • Matthew 5:13–20, Matthew 5:21–28, Romans 8:1–8, Galatians 5:1–23, Psalm 32:1–9

Watch or listen to this captivating sermon on spiritual formation, as Bill Dogterom delves into the transformative journey of awakening and purgation. Prepare to be inspired as you discover the freedom that comes from allowing Jesus to purify and shape us from the inside out. In this message, Bill Dogterom will unpack the powerful truth that Scripture reveals about our identity as the "Salt of the earth." Join us as we explore the profound responsibility and privilege we have to influence and bring flavor to the world around us. Through engaging storytelling and insightful teachings, you will gain a deeper understanding of how spiritual formation can impact your life. Discover the steps to shedding our sinful nature and becoming more like Jesus, experiencing the liberation and transformation that comes with it. Don't miss this opportunity to be challenged and equipped to make a difference. Tune in and watch or listen to this sermon as we embark on a journey of spiritual formation, embracing the freedom and influence we are called to have in the world. Get ready to be inspired to live out your purpose as a transformative agent, impacting the flavor of the world around you. Join us this Sunday and be part of this transformative experience.