
Spiritual Formation | Union

July 30, 2023 • Dr. Bill Dogterom • Ephesians 3:14–21, Matthew 28:16–20, John 14, 1 Corinthians 2:14–16, 1 John 3:1–3

Join us for a transformative and uplifting message by Bill Dogterom as we delve into the profound theme of Union. In this inspiring message, Bill Dogterom passionately encourages us to recognize and embrace the extraordinary union and opportunity we have with God through Jesus.

Drawing from the timeless wisdom of Scripture, Bill reveals how abiding in God's boundless love and joy can lead to remarkable spiritual formation in our lives. Together, we will explore the power of aligning our thoughts with the mind of Christ and the profound impact it can have on our journey to fully knowing God.

Throughout this engaging sermon, we will gain insights into how we are wonderfully designed to experience the fullness of God in the present moment. Bill will share practical and transformative insights on how to develop a closer relationship with God, fostering a deeper connection with His divine presence.

If you're seeking to grow spiritually, yearning to understand God's purpose for your life, and longing to live in the fullness of His love, this message is for you. Join us as we dive into the beauty of divine union and discover the joy that comes from walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired and empowered on your spiritual journey!