
Week 5 - Wednesday

When We Struggle With Doubt

July 12, 2017 • Angela

Your doubts do not trouble God. He is not surprised by them nor do they make Him pull away from you.

When you find yourself struggling with doubt, you find yourself among some of the "Greats" in the Bible like Job, Abraham, Sarah, Gideon, and Thomas, just to name a few.

Job doubted God's goodness when his children died and his livelihood was gone.

Abraham and Sarah doubted God's promise as they grew older and found themselves still without a child of their own.

Gideon doubted God could use a man like him to fight his upcoming battle.

And of course, our beloved Thomas, he doubted Jesus rose from the dead...

Maybe that's where you find yourself today, too.

You doubt God's goodness because of what has been taken from you.

You doubt God's promises because His timing is not yours.

You doubt God's ability to use a woman like you with your past, your weakness and your mistakes.

Like Thomas, maybe you doubt God's resurrection ability for your life.

Wherever you find yourself today, realize this...it is normal to struggle with doubt. We all do.

Even John the Baptist, found himself doubting if Jesus was the true Messiah as he sat in prison awaiting his looming death.

"Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?" - Matthew 11:3

A surprising question coming from the very man who earlier had baptized Jesus in the Jordan River and declared, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" At that moment in his life, John was so certain.

Yet, now sitting in prison, he was plagued with tormenting doubts and fears. Had his ministry been in vain? Had he been wrong about Jesus? Was God now punishing him for his mistake? The doubts and accusations surrounding his thoughts made him feel as though he couldn't breathe and he wondered...had he lived his life in vain?

Getting straight to the point, John sent his disciples directly to Jesus and asked, "Are you the One who is to come...?"

Jesus intentionally responds not with condemnation or judgment but with an invitation for John's Disciples to see for themselves. Jesus brought them close and let them see first hand how He was fulfilling the very Scriptures He knew John the Baptist needed to hear. Prophecies brought to life which would bring hope and faith to John's struggling heart.

They saw the blind receive their sight, the lame able to walk, lepers cured, the deaf able to hear, the dead raised and the good news preached to the poor. Oh, how gracious our Lord is to go to such an extend to show John's Disciples that He was the long-awaited Messiah.

Jesus didn't just speak it; He took the time to live it. He knew John would recognize Isaiah's prophecy in those testimonies and that's exactly what he needed to hear to help build his faith and place his trust back in Christ.

Like David in Psalm 13 and John the Baptist in Matthew 11, we need to go to God with raw, unfiltered requests that get straight to the point. You don't have to beat around the bush with Him, He knows your struggles, and He sees your doubt. Just be honest and lay it all out before Him.

And don't forget this truth...He loves you in the midst of your doubt. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Place your doubts, fears, and anxiety into His capable hands. Then allow Him to take you on a journey from doubt to faith. It may not be a quick trip, but it's worth the ride.

It's natural to doubt; it's supernatural to have faith.

Right after John the Baptist's Disciples go back to tell him the news, Jesus turned to those gathered around him and said, "I tell you the truth: Among those born of woman there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist..."

You see that....Jesus praised John for the way he lived his life.

John's doubts didn't hinder Jesus' praise for him...and neither do yours.

Next time when you find yourself struggling with oppressing doubts, pray like the desperate father in Mark 9.

"Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”- Mark 9:24

And Jesus will.

Let's Talk: How has God help you to move from doubt to faith?

Love God Greatly!


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