
Week 6 - Friday

| Sold Out | What's Your Story?

July 21, 2017 • Whitney

I'll never forget when he tip-toed down the stairs a little too early one morning, with sleep still in his eyes as he stumbled and squinted his way into my bathroom.

No "Good Morning" greeting. No drama. No frills.

He just walked up to me and matter-of-factly whispered into my ear, "I think I want to be a missionary when I grow up."  Oh, this mama's heart. I believe that boy meant it, and I just knew it was going to be a great day.

And then he promptly put his little sister into a headlock.  Haha.

This is how my days often go in the midst of this discipling gig. I'm constantly celebrating small victories, and then taking my pride and exchanging it for humility at the foot of the cross. Let's just be honest, I'd do better if I just permanently set up camp there.

But it's no mistake that God wrote them into my story.

They're humans. Real, live humans that somehow God figured it would be okay to entrust into my care for this short time on earth. And most days that brings tons of joy... and makes me break out into a hot sweat. Heh. They're energetic and live out loud, and I just know they'll channel their hard-core passion into great leadership qualities one day (please, Jesus, let it be so).  These four have me on my knees, but God also has me on a mission.

My biggest prayer doesn't include perfection or easy parenting, though some days it's tempting to desire those things. My mission, by the grace of God, is to raise up the next generation of Jesus-followers who will be so captivated with Him - and so surrendered to Him - that they simply can't keep Him to themselves.

The disciples give me hope.

Jesus chose a rowdy, eclectic bunch when He chose the twelve. But it was no mistake that He wrote them into His story.

It was their hearts, not their perfection or performance, that He was after. In their weakness He became their everything. In their doubt and denying, He became their Truth.

As they walked with Jesus they were transformed into worshippers; not of their own reputations or abilities, but of the One who before their very eyes demonstrated that He alone could save the world.

Through His death and life they became His witnesses, this bunch of unlikely men who, by the grace of God, used their unique gifts and passions to turn the world upside down for Christ.

How I long for God to use our family in this way. But much like my boy, I too can go from SOLD OUT mission-focused to putting the world in a headlock in thirty seconds flat.

Hallelujah that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Maybe today you too need to just *stop* and hear it for the first time all over again.

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

The way to impact the next generation for Jesus doesn't include a long list of things we can acquire, our social statuses, or our constant obsession with self-gratification. Jesus modeled a better way to His disciples:

A patient voice filled with His wisdom. Hope not of this world spoken in uncertain times. Desperate prayers in quiet corners. Humble submission to the Father when no one was looking. Passionate words that spoke life, stories that spoke truth, and a countenance that revealed peace in the midst of a broken world. Consistent, faithful, selfless love. A servant surrendered in every way. Often misunderstood, but never wavering. Often rejected, but always pursuing.

He sacrificed His life so that they could know real living. He won their hearts so that by His power through them He could reach the hearts of others.

It was the plan all along.

(A real encounter with Jesus changes people.)

So what story will I live to tell?

Will my children hear the truth of who Jesus is, day in and day out, even when passions are escalating and personalities are conflicting?

Will my husband see the gentleness of Jesus in me when things don't go my way and I'm tempted to whine and give into selfishness?

Will others around me hear me stand up and speak Life and Light in the hard places, or will I give in to this loud, distracting world that's relentlessly calling for my affection?

He sacrificed His life so that I could know real living. He won my heart so that by His power through me He could reach the hearts of others.

What's your story, and who has God written into it?

By faith, may we taste the depth of the Father's love like those who physically witnessed the cross with their very own eyes that day. Oh, that this love would transform us so that we might live SOLD OUT lives on mission for Him.

*Let's talk: How has God's Word encouraged your heart as we've journeyed through our SOLD OUT study together these past six weeks?

At His feet,


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