
Week 6 - Monday

A Man Named Philip

July 17, 2017 • Jen

Welcome to Week 6 of our study of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Today we are going to take a look at Philip, and like many of the other disciples we aren’t given much information about this man. His name is mentioned in every Gospel, but the only real account of his interaction with Jesus is seen in John 6.

A crowd had gathered to hear Jesus teach. It is quite possible that many had traveled a good distance to hear the Great Teacher. They had been there all day and many were now getting hungry.

It is at this time that Jesus turns to Philip and asks him where they could buy some food for all these people. We see Jesus testing Philip, as the text says that Jesus already knew what He was going to do. I love that Jesus was pressing into Philip’s faith at this point. Did Philip understand what Jesus was capable of? The disciple seemed confused. He had no clue where you could get food for that many people. He didn’t even consider the possibility that Jesus could provide food just as easily as he could heal the sick.

Like Philip, we often find ourselves in situations where we need guidance or help, and we look to everything but God. We ask our friends, we spend hours talking with members of our family, we research online... but we don’t go to the God of all power and wisdom.  

In Philippians 4 Paul tells us that God will meet all our needs according to the riches of His glory. It does not say He “might” do so, but that He “will." He will provide for you in your time of need! This is really important because God never goes back on His promises. He does not forget or make excuses. He will provide for you and me, though it might not be how we had planned or even hoped. Faith understands that God’s way is better than our way.

Jesus tested Philip, and then taught him. He showed this disciple that the Son of God could provide food for all those people in a miraculous way. He fed 5000 with five small loaves of bread and two fish. I am sure Philip - like the rest of the disciples - was astonished. I hope it was an experience that strengthened and matured his faith.

God still provides for His people.

Without Him we could not even live. He gives us everything we need for life and godliness.

No matter how bold or timid, how smart or clueless, above and inside the disciples resided their great God who supplied all they needed to become men who grew in holiness to advance the good news of Jesus.

Inside and above every believer resides our great God, who supplies all we need every single day of our lives. Do we always understand His ways? No. But we hold on to the truth that God is good and He keeps His Word.

Looking to Jesus,


Week 6 Challenge: Pray and ask God to help make you aware of the many ways He provides for your daily needs. This week, keep a running list of His provisions - both big and small - then make sure to spend time thanking Him for His goodness and grace.

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