
When God Gets a Hold of Your Life

Ephesians: The Big Picture

April 7, 2024 • Jacob Ward • Ephesians 3:1–13

In Ephesians 3:1-13, Paul talks about how God chose him to spread the news about Jesus to the non-Jewish people, also known as Gentiles. Even though he is in jail, Paul sees this as an opportunity to share the incredible message of Jesus' love for everyone. He explains that this was not something people knew about before- it's a new revelation from God. The revelation is that Gentiles are not left out; they are included in God's family through Jesus. Paul emphasizes that this truth is so profound and incredible that even angels are curious about it. He humbly admits that he is not worthy to be the one sharing this news, but he knows it is only because of God's kindness that he can. This passage shows how amazing God's love is and how important it is for everyone to hear about it, no matter where they come from.

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