
"Stretched" Pastor Justin Kenton

July 7, 2024

Pastor Justin talks about how God will do the impossible when we allow our faith to be stretched!


Important Points:

I will ____________ into _____________!

I will ____________ and _____________!

I will ____________ to see _____________!

Important Scriptures (NLT version unless stated otherwise):

Exodus 14:1-4

Exodus 14:15-18

Exodus 14:21-22


Small Group Questions

1. Do you feel like you are in a stretching season of sorts? What is that like for you?


2. Read Exodus 14:1-4 NLT and discuss: Have you ever felt like God led you into a dead end? Talk about a time when this was true for you. What was this experience like?

3. Read Exodus 14:15-18 NLT and discuss: Share about a time when you were caught whining and complaining only to find out that God was right there asking you to move forward. What area of your life is God asking you to move forward in? What does the next step of faith look like to you?

4. Read Exodus 14:21-22 NLT  and discuss: What obedience is God asking of you today? How does this act of obedience require you to stretch your faith? How can we be praying for one another to walk in obedience and stretch our faith?