
"Own Your Weird" Mind Grown Pt 4

January 28, 2024

Pastor Justin talks about us as God’s creation and how He has made us each in His likeness!

Important Points:

God has  ____________ for my _______________!

My  _____________ is part of the ___________________________!

God came to  __________________ my ___________________!

Important Scriptures (NLT version unless stated otherwise):

Psalms 139:13-16

Genesis 1:27

Matthew 19:13-15

John 3:16-17

Romans 6:23

John 15:18-20

Psalms 139:1-12

“Own Your Weird”

Small Group Questions 

1. What are some weird things you have noticed about others you have met? What is something that others consider weird about you?

2. Read Psalms 139:13-16 NLT and discuss; How can God have a purpose for your weird? If God was so purposeful in creating you, how do we begin to discover our meaning in life?

3. Read Genesis 1:27 NLT and discuss; When you see the differences in people, how is that like seeing new and different parts to the complexity of God? Knowing that God made us all in His likeness how does that help you to see people’s weirdness differently?

4. Read John 15:18-20 and Psalms 139:1-12 NLT and discuss; How does knowing God loves you, even though the world hates and has discarded you, give you hope and purpose? What does it mean to you to know that God wants you and has always wanted you?

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