
Walk This Way

Following Jesus and Living in His Kingdom

Power Walking

June 2, 2024 • Phil Chapman, Sharon Chapman

Continuing our ‘Walk This Way’ series, we talk about walking in the power of baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit. We need to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)! Both of these baptisms are powerful, for every Christian, and vital for our ongoing walk as we follow Jesus and walk His way. Join us for some power walking together!

The Rest Is History

May 26, 2024 • Benj Lyon

Jesus describes himself as Lord of the Sabbath and encourages us to find "rest for our souls" in Him. As we continue to learn how to outwork a Kingdom culture in our day-to-day lives, we look at what real rest looks like and how we can find a rhythm of rest. We live in a culture of restlessness but as we choose to walk like Jesus we can learn to resist restlessness and instead enjoy a rest for our souls.

The Centurion

May 19, 2024 • Stephen Russell

Whatever we face? - JESUS is the answer! Ask and He will come! He (the Centurion) knew where to come. We also need to “know” this, many times we try to do things in our own strength - We can be so quick not to seek Jesus first. I can sort this in my own power, with the counsel of others, my own ability, sometimes we feel like God will hold it against us if we "constantly" pester Him? But Centurion "knew" that Jesus was the answer. To often we wait until we get to "crisis management" He wants us to "share" our lives with Him. This is the way He wants us to walk.

How Deep is Your Word?

April 28, 2024 • Christopher Alton

The ‘Parable of the Sower’ (Mt 13:1-9, 18-23) shows us the barriers which can prevent us receiving the Word of the Kingdom (v.19). We can all have places in our hearts which are closed to God’s Word, too shallow for it to take root, or simply find us too preoccupied with cares of this life to produce anything. In this message we consider Jesus’ call to each of us to prepare our hearts for His Word to go down deep, take root, find space in our lives, and by holding fast to it, see a harvest of abundance produced in us and others.

Step Into His Story

April 21, 2024 • Sharon Chapman

For our all-together gathering in April we step into Jesus’ story, taking a whistle-stop tour through some amazing parts of Mark Gospel, to follow Jesus and see how we can live like Jesus did. Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit and with power, went around doing good, healing people and setting people free (Acts 10:38). He promised His followers that they too would receive the Holy Spirit and power to carry on spreading the good news of Jesus and His Kingdom - and that includes us! Step into His story with us and look out for some exciting encounters with Jesus, a surprise song and a calendar challenge. Walk this Way!

Are You Well Kneaded?

April 14, 2024 • Stephen Russell

God Wants you to have Kingdom Yeast! Without the yeast the flour cannot be made to rise. Without Jesus and His Kingdom the world cannot be saved, cannot be changed - Both work silently and unseen. The power of the Kingdom is not physical and yet it produces definite results. The same applies to our own lives - the Kingdom (and all it's teachings) needs to rise, invade and permeate every part of our lives. Through the parable of the yeast, Jesus teaches us that the Kingdom of Heaven is alive, it's everywhere, it takes attention and patience to grow, and it transforms everything it touches. Yeast is microscopic in size, and only a little is kneaded (and a only a little is needed!) into the dough. Yet, given time, the yeast will spread through all the dough. In the same way, Jesus started with twelve men in an obscure corner of Galilee, but it has spread throughout the world. We need to "knead the dough" of our lives making sure it reaches, permeates, and touches every part of our lives. It takes effort and technique - it is hard work sometimes! He wants our characters and walk with Him to rise evenly, with no flat spots, no section that are unleavened.

Walk His Way

April 7, 2024 • Richard Jones

When Jesus went around doing good, He walked with power and purpose. We look together at how Jesus enables us to walk His way; with Holy Spirit power and God-given purpose today.

Kingdom Family

March 24, 2024 • Stephen Russell

We have all heard the expression - "He is his father's son" or  "they are a chip off the old block" or "the apple didn't fall far from the tree!". This morning I'm not going to discuss methods on how to bring up your children, but I am going to show you how to influence them. It is about leadership and example - because it is more a case of our children, young folk and those around us are watching you as opposed to us instructing them! Paul says in Philippians 4:9 "Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you." The best training is demonstration, not instruction. How many times have we heard folk say to their children, "do as a say, not as I do!"? When really we should be saying, "do as I do!". Demonstration has more impact than instruction. As the people of God we have the opportunity to influence those around us, the unsaved, work colleagues, friends, our children and young people, all those in our sphere of influence. That we become imitators of Christ,  influencing the world and advancing the Kingdom.

Counting the Cost

March 10, 2024 • Phil Chapman

Jesus had much to say about counting the cost of being His follower. Today we look at three stories found in the bible and weigh together the cost of following or not following Jesus.

Four Friends For The Journey

March 3, 2024 • David Lyon

Watch/listen again to this Sunday message from David Lyon in Market Harborough. You can find more messages and other videos at http://youtube.com/livingrockchurch. You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit http://www.livingrock.church

In Joy and Gladness

February 25, 2024 • Richard Jones

We look at how God’s is joyfulness and gladness is seen in Jesus Christ. How God has a sense of humour and wants us to live anointed with joy!

Couch to Kingdom

February 18, 2024 • Benj Lyon • Hebrews 12:1–2

We read in Hebrews 12 about a race that we are all running and we are encouraged to run this race with endurance, with our eyes fixed on Jesus. In this message we explore how we can run with endurance, using 6 disciplines from marathon training as examples of how we can run in God's Kingdom. We look at: The Word of God, the Holy Spirit, rest, repentance, wisdom/experience of others, and running with friends. You can find more messages and other videos at http://youtube.com/livingrockchurch. You can also follow our Sunday Messages podcast on your preferred podcast platform. For more information about Living Rock Church visit http://www.livingrock.church

Yes, Lord

February 11, 2024 • Phil Chapman

Today we look at the account of Jesus at the Wedding in Cana and his first recorded miracle - turning water into wine. We consider how Mary’s instruction to ‘do whatever he tells you’ is an example to us to be ‘Yes, Lord’ people.

Seek And Add

February 4, 2024 • Stephen Russell

What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God? (above all else) What does everything "added" look like? (everything added) The Kingdom of God, is simply God’s redemptive rule and reign on the earth. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. The word kingdom points directly to God’s Kingship, or His rule, action, and sovereign governance over all created things. To seek the Kingdom is not some sort of "Quest" or "Trek". It is a journey, but more than a physical journey it is a journey of faith, obedience, learning and sacrifice in our day to day lives. God wants us to seek Him. He wants to "add" things to our lives that are eternal not temporal. Yes when we seek him first (above all else) He will add "things" to your life but above all we seek Him - and all these things will be added to us.

His Name and Renown

January 28, 2024 • Phil Chapman

Today we start a new series called Walk This Way. Following Jesus and living in His Kingdom. It’s an invitation to a way of living that brings pleasure to God, not as a means of earning our salvation but rather as a response to who He is and the relationship with Him that He has drawn us in to. We kick off together by considering what it is to desire the name and renown of God above all else and how we have the capacity to reflect the God’s glorious character to the world around us.