
Are You Well Kneaded?

April 14, 2024 • Stephen Russell

God Wants you to have Kingdom Yeast! Without the yeast the flour cannot be made to rise. Without Jesus and His Kingdom the world cannot be saved, cannot be changed - Both work silently and unseen. The power of the Kingdom is not physical and yet it produces definite results. The same applies to our own lives - the Kingdom (and all it's teachings) needs to rise, invade and permeate every part of our lives. Through the parable of the yeast, Jesus teaches us that the Kingdom of Heaven is alive, it's everywhere, it takes attention and patience to grow, and it transforms everything it touches. Yeast is microscopic in size, and only a little is kneaded (and a only a little is needed!) into the dough. Yet, given time, the yeast will spread through all the dough. In the same way, Jesus started with twelve men in an obscure corner of Galilee, but it has spread throughout the world. We need to "knead the dough" of our lives making sure it reaches, permeates, and touches every part of our lives.

It takes effort and technique - it is hard work sometimes! He wants our characters and walk with Him to rise evenly, with no flat spots, no section that are unleavened.

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