
Why Pray?

Session 01

Pete Greig

This first session of The Prayer Course, we’ll unpack the importance of prayer and the different topics covered across the course.

📖 Bible passages
Luke 11:1-4
Matthew 6:6-8 (MSG)
Romans 8:26-28

💬 Discussion Questions
Q. What did you find most helpful or most challenging in the video?
Q. What do you find difficult about prayer? What do you find easy? Why do you think prayer can often feel hard?

Pete says the best piece of advice is to “Keep it simple, keep it real and keep it up.”

Keep it simple: “your prayer life is at its best at its simplest”
Q. What do you mostly talk to God about?

Keep it real: “Don’t role-play before God”
Q. Do you feel like you have to act a certain way before God when you pray? Why or why not?

Keep it up: “Don’t give up praying too soon”
Q. Do you find it challenging to persevere in prayer? How can we be encouraged to keep going?