

Session 04

Pete Greig

Key verse
“Your kingdom come” – Matthew 6:10

Bible passages
2 Chronicles 7:13-14, Exodus 17:8-13, Genesis 18:22-33

Summary points

When God’s people intercede, God intervenes.
There is power in our free will.
4 steps of intercession: get informed, get inspired, get indignant, get in synch.

Discussion Questions
Q. What did you find most helpful or most challenging in the video?
Q. How do you feel about intercessory prayer – do you find it’s something that comes naturally or is it more of a challenge?

“Our free wills are powerful; they can release or restrict the purposes of God.”

Q. How does this affect the way that we come to God in intercessory prayer?
Q. Have you ever had a feeling that you needed to pray for something or someone? What happened?

“Prayer isn’t about trying to get God to say amen to what I want; prayer is about me saying amen to God’s will for my life”

Q. What would it look like for you to pray this week with this perspective?