
The Life of Daniel (ch3,4)

Part 2

Chris Hamer-Hodges • Daniel, Daniel 3, Daniel 4

Despite the remarkable vision he was given by God, it is obvious from this chapter that Nebuchadnezzar had not learned his lesson. In fact there is much here that would indicate that far from being submitted to God, he was actually being manipulated by Satan. God’s purpose is for all men to worship him as the true God, for his righteous laws to be established on the earth, and for a final judgement where there will be a separation of the wicked and the good, where the righteous are rewarded and the wicked punished in hell. Here we see an evil, false and twisted version of God’s plan to such an extent that it can only have been devised by the devil himself. His aim from the beginning has been to pervert the true worship and purpose of God.