

Session 07

Pete Greig • Matthew 6:10

Key verse
“Give us today our daily bread” – Matthew 6:10

In this session, we’ll unpack the practical ways we can tune into hearing God’s voice.

Bible passages
1 Samuel 3:1-10

Summary points

We are designed to walk and talk with God.
Slow down, Soften up.
When listening to God, remember ABC: Advice, Bible, Common Sense.

Discussion Questions

Q. What did you find most helpful or most challenging in the video?
Q. Do you feel like your connection to God’s voice is like “wi-fi”, “cell phone” or “snail mail”? Do you find it’s obvious when God is speaking to you?

Pete mentioned that we all hear God differently: “It’s okay to hear God the way he’s made you.”

Q. Do you experience hearing God’s voice in a specific way? If so, how?

Pete suggested two ways we can tune into God’s voice:

“Slow down”
Q. What practical actions could you take this week to make time for listening to God?

“Soften up”
Q. How can we encourage one another to “keep our hearts soft” in the busyness of our daily lives?

Practise listening to God together. There are a few different ways you might like to do this, depending on your group:

Split into small groups of 3 people, and take it in turns listening to God for one person at a time. Remind your group members to apply the “ABC” acronym for anything they think God is saying!
Practise the Lectio Divina together as a group. You might like to explore the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 5:13-16
Remember to:

Read it – Familiarisation
Explore it – Imagination
Pray it – Conversation
Enjoy it – Celebration