
Using LRC Grow in a Small Group

LRC Grow is a great tool to use in a small group setting. The resources provide great content to use and discuss together. They can be used to establish and strengthen foundations, answer some difficult questions, and equip you in your mission and giftings.

Here are some tips for using these in a small group:
⭐️ Over what sort of timeframe do you need, to work through the material?
⭐️ It’s good to encourage everyone in the group to contribute, even those who would normally be a bit quieter. ⭐️ Set questions ahead of time, to get the best out of the conversations and to avoid irrelevant tangents
⭐️ Consider the size of the resource before starting. Some books could take months to finish. It may be better to select one chapter to discuss, rather than the entire thing. This will provide natural breaks, and the flexibility to move onto different resources when you feel ready
⭐️ Make sure everyone in the group has enough time to use the resource effectively. This means enough time based on the size of the material, and to join in with group discussions

Here are some questions you could consider together:
⭐️ What’s God been saying to you through the material?
⭐️ What’s your takeaway to meditate on, or share with others around you?
⭐️ How has this affected your understanding about who God is?
⭐️ How has this challenged you about changes to your walk with Jesus?
⭐️ Do you have any concerns about anything that you read or watched?
⭐️ What questions have come up, which you’d like to explore further?
⭐️ Are there any bible studies you want to do from this?

Working through these questions together as a group, can help sharpen each other in the things of God.

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