
What Kind of Church Are We?

March 19, 2023 • Pastor Bruce

What really defines us as a church? Is it all about community or is there something deeper? What is Jesus, the Head of the Church, requiring of local Pastors and churches in the days that we are living in? Is it enough to hear a "feel good" message and learn to be loving and tolerant? The line has been drawn between those churches that are passionately pursuing Jesus and those that are compromising and bowing down to the current culture and this society. We are a church of God's Word, God's Spirit, and Faith! Bold and unapologetic.

Faith's Lifestyle

May 21, 2023 • Pastor Bruce • Proverbs 3:5, 2 Corinthians 5:7

The lifestyle of faith does not depend on the five physical senses or what we can understand with our mind. We are people of faith that trust in a faithful Father who leads us each step of the way. He teaches how to live this new lifestyle of faith that often goes totally contrary to our human reasoning.

Faith Through The Storm

May 7, 2023 • Pastor Bruce • 2 Corinthians 5:7

We all go through storms in our lives. Big ones, smaller ones, ones that we can see coming, and others that hit us totally unexpectedly. Where is our faith when we are in the middle of the storm? How do we navigate those tough times when we don’t have all the answers? Faith in God is the one thing that will always get us through.

Hearing and Hearing and...

April 30, 2023 • Pastor Bruce • Proverbs 4:20–22, Luke 8:18

Faith comes by hearing the word, and in order for faith to continue, we must continue to hear the word. Hearing the word is an exercise that never ends. The more we hear the word, the stronger our faith becomes, and the stronger our faith becomes, the more we grow.