
The Unassisted Triple Play


February 6, 2022 • Phillip Murdock • Hebrews 10:24–25

The unassisted triple play; it's the rarest play in baseball. In fact, it has only happened fifteen times since 1840 (140 yrs)! It's rare because it is accomplished when ONE PLAYER does (by themselves), what is designed to be accomplished by an entire team. It is extremely rare (15 times in 140 yrs rare) that ONE PERSON can do it all. Join us this Sunday as we talk about the unassisted plays many Christians try to accomplish in life and why working together as a team, is the only way to go!

More from February 2022

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

February 27, 2022 • Billy Dyer • Matthew 12:1–8

We are all in a hurry to complete the seemingly infinite task list of our lives. Between answering emails, responding to phone calls, business meetings, household chores, and kids (!), there never seems to be enough time. Seldom do we stop to think about what this constant rushing does to us personally and to our lives. It is time we think about God's rhythm for our lives and the great gift of Sabbath He has given to us.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

February 20, 2022 • Phillip Murdock • Ephesians 5:15–16

"I am just too busy" is probably the number one statement I hear from people today. The pursuit to find a "slow week" or a "slower season" sounds like we are hoping for something we know will never actually come but it makes us feel better saying it, nonetheless. What if I told you that business and hurry is one of the most clever and efficient tools of the devil? What if I told you that we have more free time at our disposal today than any generation ever in the time of human history? We don't need more time (we would just waste it anyway), we need to SLOW DOWN! But how do we do that? Well, as with anything else in life, we begin our search by looking to Jesus. Join us for a four-week series based on the best-selling book, "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer. Join us during this series as we discover the Biblical methods and principles we all need in order to slow the pace of life and focus on what is truly important.

Showdown for the Ages

February 13, 2022 • Phillip Murdock • 1 Kings 18

There are two opposing sides. There is a large number of spectators. There is a majestic arena. There is taunting between the teams. And there is a final play that will blow your mind! No, it’s not the Super Bowl. It is the story of Elijah versus the Prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18). Join us this Sunday as we examine this amazing story and what it means for us as we play out the "game" of life.