
Galatians 1: Be Free

July 3, 2024 • Pastor Mark Machen • 2 Peter 1:2–4, Galatians 1:1–5, Galatians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 7:20–22, 2 Corinthians 3:17–18

In “Galatians 1: Be Free," Pastor Mark begins a verse-by-verse teaching through Galatians. Uncovering the revelation of righteousness, freedom, and liberty that not only affects your eternal life but also what you experience today!

Stay in the liberty of Christ to continuously receive from God. Understand the difference between mercy and grace, and embrace the favor and blessing God has given you. Believe in your righteousness through Christ, and live a holy life with that mindset. Jesus has brought us into perfect union with God, removing all separation and condemnation. He came to deliver us from sin and the evils of this age, impacting our lives here and now. Experience an overflow of grace and peace by deepening your knowledge of God and Jesus.

Experience freedom where your situation doesn’t dictate your joy or praise. Your reaction in difficult times can be a testimony to others, transforming lives through love and worship. Let God inhabit your praises, not your complaints. Your environment reflects what you pour out.

Despite hardships, we can grow in our faith and praise God like the disciples did through intense persecution. Remember, you are the Lord’s freed man with favor and divine promotion. Only you can hinder God's plan for your life.