
Galatians 2: Nip It in the Bud

July 24, 2024 • Pastor Mark Machen • Galatians 2:1–16, Romans 14:1–21, John 10:10, Galatians 1:13–17, Colossians 2:9–10

Discover the transformative power of the book of Galatians as it guides you from foundational truth to practical living. This sermon is a must-watch for long-time Christians who might find themselves slipping into wrong habits, traditions, and self-effort. We often wrongly believe that what we do determines what we receive from God. However, faith in Jesus is all you need for salvation and His free gift of grace and righteousness. Yet, many find themselves burdened by church-imposed obligations, thinking they must earn God's favor through their actions. Paul teaches that you cannot live in both systems—Christ and law. You'll learn why trying to gain God's blessings through your behavior can rob you of joy. Embrace the abundant life Christ offers as a free gift, and understand that true victory comes from a revelation of Christ within you, not just knowing more about Him. 

Learn why you don’t need to seek external sources for fulfillment; the fullness of God dwells in you. Accepting this truth is your starting point. Paul and Titus lived in this freedom, and you can too, without being bound by legalism. When Christ lives through you, you respond to others with love, not judgment. Experience real liberty and the conviction to stand firm in your beliefs amidst societal pressures. Learn from Timothy's example—minister with love, not out of fear or pressure. Understand that grace is a free gift, meant to produce ease and rest in your life. Don’t frustrate grace by trying to earn what God has already freely given. Let grace have full reign in your life and see God's purpose fulfilled.