
Supernatural Intelligence

June 12, 2024 • Pastor Mark Machen • Psalm 1:1–2, Romans 12:2, Romans 6:11, 1 Corinthians 2:9–10, John 14

In “Supernatural Intelligence,” Pastor Mark leads us through a meditation on God's Word and teaches how to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal messages to us. Meditation is not just about reading the Word; it is about engaging with it deeply. Imagine yourself in the stories of Jesus, feeling the environment around you, and letting the Word come alive. This immersive approach makes the teachings more real and applicable to your life.

We discover how to forgive deeply through meditation. Visualizing scenarios where Jesus' love rises within you and guiding your actions based on biblical principles. Allow the Word to shape your responses, letting it be the blueprint for your interactions.

We learn to let the Holy Spirit guide our meditation. There's a profound difference when God's Spirit directs your thoughts. As 1 Corinthians 2 verses 9–10 teach, certain insights can only come through His revelation. Experience the fullness of meditation with divine guidance.

Are you anxious about the future or concerned about perceptions? Meditation is the key to peace. Feed your mind with positive, biblical truth to shape your thoughts and actions. Just as a 3D printer creates objects from digital input, your thoughts and meditations shape your reality using "supernatural intelligence."

Life of Faith Church helps people experience God & enjoy life through relationship with Jesus Christ.

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