
The Culture Of Discipleship | Ps Bruce McCleland | Kingdom Culture

Kingdom Culture

July 21, 2024 • Ps Bruce McCleland • Matthew 16:24, 1 Kings 19:19–21, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Matthew 28:18

This week as we continue with the series of Kingdom Culture, join Ps Bruce as he teaches on the importance of discipleship and what that looks like in the kingdom of God. 

Discipleship is one of the most important aspects in our journey with the Lord. To be a disciple means being a follower, a student and a doer. It's about walking a journey with the one who is leading and guiding us. It doesn't happen once but it's a principle of a lifetime and thus as Christians we are Disciples of Christ. 

We might profess Christianity but only few actually live a life that follows Christ and this is quite alarming. With the advance in times we have become people who follow Christ through our words and not through our deeds. Following Jesus means surrendering our lives to Him and living a life of repentance. We are all on a journey and this journey should be of wanting to be like Him. 

We have a decision on whether we truly want to follow Him or not and this means we need to deny ourselves. It's not a preference or opinion but a way of life - a principle. 

So, how can we truly follow Him:

By being with Him

Jesus invited His disciples to follow Him and it's the same today, He invites us to follow Him. (Follow me and I will make you fishers of men). He invites us to be with Him and to be discipled by Him. This shows that Jesus had to be in proximity with His disciples in order to lead, teach and show them the ways in which they should go. Which still applies to us today.

So the question here is do we follow Jesus and observe other things or do we follow other things and observe Jesus?

Becoming more like Him

Sometimes we make a decision about Jesus and disregard our families, however, we are not meant to outcast our past. We are meant to reflect what we've been through and let Jesus turn all that around for our good, for His glory. Our past and families and friends are the tools in which Christ uses in our journey. 

Following Jesus is fulfilling and in order to live a fulfilled life, we need to let Christ shape and mould us. Being discipled by Jesus will shape our lives. 

Doing what He did and does

Discipling people means being disciples by Christ. Therefore, if God is the one to disciple us then we will do what He did and live a life that reflects who He is. He disciples us through His word and His Spirit.

Like Jesus, we need to spend time with those we are discipling. We constantly need to be at His feet in order to be able to spend time with those we are discipling and teaching them the Lord's way. 

So who is discipling you? Who are you following, the Lord or the world?