
A Life Of Influence | Ps Anthony Liebenberg | Kingdom Culture

Kingdom Culture

July 7, 2024 • Ps Anthony Liebenberg • Matthew 5, Acts 9:36–39, Titus 2:7–8, 1 Timothy 4:12, Acts 13:8

As we continue with our series of Kingdom Culture, join Ps Anthony as he teaches on the importance of living a life of influence.

To lead a life of influence, we need to know and understand what it is. A simple definition of influence is having people listen and follow you. 

We all have influence but the question is,  what kind of influence do we have? Here are some tips to be a kingdom Influencer:

Make a decision to lead others in the right direction. 

We have been called to be the salt of the earth and salt is meant to preserve things and add flavour, so as Christians what does that mean for us? What does it mean to you? 

As we influence others we need to be good stewards, so what are we stewarding and what kind of influence are we showing? 

We need to lead others in the right direction. We need to be set apart. Like Paul tells Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12, we should not be intimidated (especially those who are young in ministry), we need to be the example of faithfulness and being honest and true. 

Having an influence is a big task, that is why we must steward our lives and follow Christ. The truth is that if we do bad then those we are influencing will also follow the same path. 

Get close to those we want to influence

We must get out of our clusters and go to those we want to influence. We cannot influence people if we are by ourselves. We need to go to those lost, we must be the light and the salt in those people's lives. 

Be a strong Christian 

If salt loses its saltiness then it's weak and cannot be used. So we must be strong in our faith, we must continue to be influenced by Him so that we can influence those around us. If we are not influenced by Him then we will be influenced by the world. 

So who is influencing you and what kind of an influencer are you?